Saturday, March 21, 2009

UFDC San-D-Over Dollers Doll Club Show in New Hampshire

Nice bright sunshine with a cool feel to the air greeted the early morning doll dealers at the 13th Annual San-D-Over Dollers UFDC Doll Club Doll Show and Sale March 21, 2009 in Dover, New Hampshire. The show had about 28 dealers set up, predominantly selling new dolls, new doll clothing, and artist dolls which dominated the show.
I set up my assortment of vintage and collectible dolls.
Of an interesting note, the doll club always provides a nice display, this year featuring Small High Heel Dolls of the 1950's. Since this area of collecting is one of my favorites, I was enthralled by their doll display collection.
Included was Jill, Little Miss Revlon, Horsman Cindy, Sandra Sue, Cissette, Miss Nancy Ann, Suzette, Miss Ginger, Tiny Teen, Jan, and Miss Coty. Some had original outfits. Since small fashion dolls of the 1950's is one of my areas of interest. I like to have many in stock at all times, and for this show, I presented some for sale in my booth.
The show drew a modest buying crowd and many people walked away with new doll purchases.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

The March Doll, Teddy and Toy Show, Dedham, Massachusetts

A Beautiful "almost" spring day greeted the many dealers during the early morning set up at the March 15, 2009 Doll, Teddy and Toy Show at the Holiday Inn, Dedham, Massachusetts. The showroom filled with bisque, antique, vintage dolls and doll accessories of all kinds as dealers began to unpack.
This show is known for the fine selection of antique cloth dolls either primitive and folky or manufactured. Several dealers at the show specialize in antique cloth dolls.
Personally, I prefer the American 19thC embroidered face, pencil drawn face or oil painted face dolls Each one is a one of a kind unique creation.
Interesting vignettes also were found at the show putting antique dolls to work posing at their favorite activity.
Many dealers had an endless assortment of bisque head dolls dressed in snowy white afternoon frocks.
I love the primitive rag dolls made of muslin and dressed in cotton calico. Rarely do cloth rag dolls have the original clothing and it is fun to find an antique cotton calico dress to fit them. Layering with white muslin petticoats and pantaloons gives the dolls a sense of what must have been on them originally.
Vintage 50's fashion dolls also play an important part of my inventory, and these gals display so well.

Now those are SMILES!!!!
My favorite at the show were two Madame Alexander Cissy dolls.
Many dealers including myself also had a wide variety of Barbie from Silkstone in my booth to all kinds of boxed Barbies.
And of course, the show included many very nice Teddy Bears in all sizes !!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Barbie Celebrates 50th Birthday at Nashua NH Doll Show

The WBZ Channel 4 Boston Massachusetts USA television crew spent the day at the Rainbow Bazaar's Spring Doll and Bear Show and Sale at the Holiday Inn in Nashua New Hampshire on March 8, 2009. Show Promoter Cindy Amburgey had a festive set up as the dealers started loading in their dolls for early morning set up. It was then that she announced the television crew was coming for Barbie's Birthday party. Cindy is a well known specialist in the sale of Barbie dolls.
I set up my one table booth pictured above with vintage pink box Barbies, vintage 50's Fashion Dolls, a Madame Alexander assortment including a Cissy, and some Ginny.
A very large Birthday Barbie cut out greeted all the shoppers for the one day show. As well as an exhibit of Barbie.

The birthday cake was consumed later in the day after singing Happy Birthday!
Cindy and her crew started blowing up balloons and decorating the balloons of course!
There were all kinds of Barbie dolls set up on an exhibition table posing nicely.
The WBZ TV camera man added interest to the show as young children and their parents were interviewed about what was appealing to them about dolls in general and Barbie in particular.
Also the show consisted of a mix of 20th century hard plastic and composition vintage dolls, some antique bisque dolls, and a large assortment of hand crafted bears and new modern dolls. But the focus was definitely on Barbie at this show.
The show was over at 2:00 and was a pleasant day for all.